Please find below my Pilates terms and conditions.  These are created to ensure that I can run cost effective sessions, pre book hall space and allow new members to join as space becomes available.  They also ensure that on-line sessions can be accessed via our private group and content is updated regularly.
If appropriate I will run separate introduction sessions or create video content for new members to ensure they are able to join in with current classes at the correct level for their experience or give access to specific video content.
·      Payment is £7.00 per hall-based session and £20 per 4 weeks for online sessions  
·      Hall based classes will only run if financially viable – small private group sessions can be arranged as an alternative if required at a £40 per session rate  
·      For hall-based sessions – at the first class you will pay for that session and the following session so £14.00 – this means you have paid for the following week in advance and are booked for this session 
·      For online sessions payment is made up to the Sunday prior to that block – a reminder will be sent out – if payment is not received access to the private group will be removed
·      For hall-based sessions cancellation on the day of the class means the £7.00 payment will be forfeit and you will need to start again at the next session you attend 
·      Payments will only be ‘suspended’ in the event of an unanticipated accident or operation. Unless this is the case, refunds are not given. 
·      Updates on course dates/cancellations will be given via email and text and messenger
·      If a class has to be cancelled due to extreme weather conditions or teacher illness, payments will be moved forward 
·      Before deciding on booking and making your payment, please ensure you are 100% in agreement with the Terms and Conditions